With the new Surfacing option, the HURCO control can also be used to program free-form surfaces
Hurco, Machining

Hurco simplifies programming with 'Surfacing'

Hurco's 'Solid Model Import' option allows 3D models available as STEP files to be imported directly into the machine controller. The new 'Surfacing' option now automatically adds surface data to the solid model. This means that free surfaces can also be programmed on the machine with the Hurco controller. This was not possible before.

HURCO, therefore, sees surfacing as nothing less than a generation leap in program development. The fact that the new option now permits the programmatic interpretation of surfaces with multiple curvatures is all the more important because more and more components are designed with such surfaces. This increases the number of tasks that can no longer be handled cost-effectively with conventional methods: Although 3D surfaces could already be produced in individually programmed steps in the past, this was time-consuming. More complex free-form surfaces always required the use of a CAM workstation. With the new surfacing function, this is now also possible directly on the machine with the HURCO control.

Improved parts handling

With the solid model import option, solids in STEP-format can be imported directly in the control and used for programming. This eliminates the need to call in external service providers to generate 2D drawings with dimensions. The Surfacing function is a new component of this option. This is a surface data set that translates the 3D surface data of the solid model and generates a machining data set. Those who receive their orders only as solid models can save themselves a CAD/CAM solution or use existing CAD/CAM software exclusively for programming highly complex components. Less complex 3D components or 2D components that have a 3D surface are read in and programmed directly on the machine using a solid model.


Simply to the finished program

HURCO says the new feature is easy to learn. Those already using Solid Modell Import on a HURCO need only five minutes. Those familiar with the machines and wanting to use the full function for the first time need half a day of training. "All in all, Surfacing is a logical development step that keeps us on track with customer needs," stresses Sebastian Herr, head of application technology at Hurco. "We ensure that the user can easily programme on the machine."