Let’s introduce
SPAENER is an online manufacturing platform for CNC-suppliers, jobshops, engineers and OEM’ers from all around the world. Our mission is to unite the entire manufacturing industry into one platform. The platform consists of several elements. Currently, ‘SPAENER Let’s Produce’ and ‘News’ are the main features on the platform. In the future, the platform will be continuously expanded with even more new functionalities.
We understand Manufacturers
SPAENER Let’s Produce! provides manufacturers (suppliers) with creative tools to easily promote and highlight their unique machinery and capabilities to potential customers.
With a few clicks and thanks to a sophisticated filter system, SPAENER is able to connect suppliers, engineers, OEMs and other professionals based on their machinery and workpiece specifications. Fast, easy and hassle-free.
Want to put your manufacturing company in the spotlight?
News is Mandatory
If there is one industry where a lot of developments are taking place, it’s the manufacturing industry. We are all too aware that manufacturers are busy producing and don’t have all the time in the world to visit trade shows, watch webinars and listen to podcasts to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the market. With our News page we keep you up to date about the latest developments in machinery, tools, manufacturing trends and so on.

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Our team
We are a team of manufacturing enthusiasts, former machinists, content creators and journalists who all have one thing in common: We are all tech geeks. Our hearts beat faster when we see cool manufacturing technologies and high tech production companies. We can watch flying chips, metal-melting lasers and nimble robots all day long.
Like everything else, SPAENER has a founder.
Tim Wentink has been working as a mechanical journalist in the manufacturing industry for more than a decade.
“My vision with SPAENER is to build an accessible platform where the manufacturing industry can find each other. And that platform must be just as accessible to SMEs as to large corporations.”
Tim Wentink